Thursday, February 11, 2010

February Playlist

First post and I know you are excited Sara! haha..

1) Start off the list with a great AC/DC song which I just recently discovered. The song is Got You By the Balls and while it offers some great humor it offers a catchy riff.

2) Next on the list is How Low by Ludacris and Shawnna and it offers the catchy booty shaking music that we all thrive on.

3) Next on the list is Memoirs of a Murder which I downloaded off Youtube from an artist called Approaching Nirvana. Got somewhat of a video game vibe but overall good sound.

4) Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky falls next on the list. Great song to drift away in.
5) No I am not gay but I do provide music that I think other getting their crunk on at my place may appreciate which includes Blah Blah Blah by Kesha. Woo Go Chi O.

6) Not a huge fan of Lil Wayne but Knockout has a catchy enough riff that it should make it into your monthly playlist.

7) This next song I think will severely increase in popularity over the next month. Nothing on You by B.o.B. has that catchy pop rhythm that makes panties drop.

8) Set the Fire to the Third Bar by Snow Patrol has a great mellow vibe which should be a definite addition to your monthly playlist.

9) I Made It by Kevin Rudolph has a great vibe that is sure to get any party started. This is probably my favorite choice from this months playlist.

Well here is February's monthly playlist hope you enjoy!